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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Juggling...and attracting a crowd?

What started out as a spur of the moment de-stressor has turned into a sunday ritual- and not the kind that might cause controversy.
Today, like last week, was sunny and warm and there is an open field at an elementary school near my home.
So I took down a 16kg and a 32kg kettlebell and went to town. flips, snatches, spins, tgu's...anything I felt like doing. No agenda, no goal. But by the end of an hour (which flew by), I was dripping in sweat, and about 10 or so people had gathered around to watch. The question asked most was "how heavy is that big one?" and the second question was "how many pounds in 32kilos?"

I highly recommend that we all find time to train outside like this--I believe it's good for the soul.

So get up and get outside!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Death By Tabata: Courtesy of Dan John

Today I decided to change things up a bit. I had read an article on T-Nation by Dan John about the Tabata Front Squat. It boasted bringing a 500 pound squatter to his knees with a weight of only 95lbs. I've done tabatas before (20 seconds of all-out work follow by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals), I've front squatted heavy. I wasn't afraid.

Boy, was I wrong.

I throw 95lbs on the bar and think nothing of it.

Round One: 13 reps. Not bad, I thought. I'm gonna breeze through this.
Round Two: 13 reps. Still going strong. No problem.
Round Three: 10 reps. I figure this is going to be the magic number for rounds 4-8.
Round Four: 10 reps. My quads burst into flame.
Round Five: My lungs catch fire. 10 reps
Round Six: 10 seconds of rest feels like about 3 seconds. 9 reps
Round Seven: Tunnel vision-my world becomes a blur. 8 reps
Round Eight: I beg for death- cerebral function ceases. 9 reps
Round Nine: 8 reps. I fall to the floor and manage to scrawl an 8 onto the paper.

My legs are screaming, my lungs burn, and walking proves impossible.

I decide right there that the tabata front squat demands respect- and when it does not get respect- it beats it out of you.

After about 5-10 minutes of rest I did some double snatches with the kettlebells wrapped in towels to work the grip.

4 minutes- or in my case 4 minutes and 30 seconds- what have you done today?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A day of rest

Sunday was easter, and a rest day for me. It was about 80 degrees outside and I didn't feel like wasting the day.

So I went down to the local elementary school with a 16kg kettlebell and practiced juggling.
There was no sense of urgency, no measured rest periods, just me, some good weather and juggling my kettlebell.

I worked everything I am normally afraid to do with the blanket of the grass to cushion the fall of the bell. After about an hour I felt great, my grip was smoked, and it was just a great day.

Saturday, March 22, 2008



Worked a bent press variation of kb anyhows today

then did some snatch conditioning with the 32kg
5 minutes:
10/10 per arm the 1st minute

TGU's for 3 minutes then snatches for time again with the 32kg

5 minutes:
10/10 arm

finished with some core work L-sits, v-ups and planks
then farmers walk with 2 24kgs in each hand for time 2 sets.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Time Crunch?

Today I was a little pressed for time for a workout before jiu-jitsu so I kept it simple.

Power Clean 120kg x 2 x 3

Slow muscle ups on rings
Kb gorilla snatches

Tabata heavy bag

then off to jiu-jitsu

My point is, you can get a workout that is very solid in about a half hour. what's your excuse?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sled dragging

Today I felt like pulling the sled.
I pulled it forwards, backwards, from heavy to light weight, tied a rope to it and pulled it while standing still.
Not only did I get an awesome burn in my legs, arms, and grip, my heart rate went through the roof.

Still doing your 45 minutes of "cardio" on the elliptical trainer? get out and do some sled pulls, your body will thank you.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Monday was a good training day :
Pistol 32kgx4x3
Press 32kgx5x3

Presses are too easy now, going to start doing ladders next week and work on volume until I get a heavier kb. Training to get a pistol and press with 48kg kb by august 1st to complete the Beast Tamer Challenge.

Quadruple Tabata:
2x24kg KB double snatch
Jump Rope
KB swing
medicine ball throws

it only took 16 minutes but rest assured that I was completely wiped afterward.

Saturday, March 15, 2008